Software Outsourcing

Code Red: Closing the 2024 U.S. Developer Gap with Remote Hiring in Latin America

The U.S. developer gap is flashing red alert! But fear not, there's a solution: remote hiring in Latin America. Dive into a vast pool of skilled devs, slash costs, and boost your team's diversity. From strong talent and time zone perks to cultural fit and government support, Latin America is your remote hiring oasis. This guide equips you with everything you need to build a thriving global team and bridge the gap.

Margaret Genatios
February 29, 2024
illustration for outsourcing

Code Red: Closing the 2024 U.S. Developer Gap with Remote Hiring in Latin America

The digital revolution has ignited an insatiable demand for software developers, leaving the U.S. industry grappling with a talent chasm that threatens innovation, project timelines, and even national competitiveness. This code-red scenario isn't just a metaphorical warning; it's a stark reality backed by alarming statistics.

The Looming Code Gap: A Statistical Breakdown

Let's translate the problem into the language of numbers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 25.5% growth in software developer jobs by 2033. And while recent large layoff announcements across technology have rattled nerves, the reality is that there still remains a sizable demand for software developer talent.

Decoding the Code Red: A Multifaceted Problem

The developer shortage is not the result of a single issue; it results from a complex group of contributing factors. One major culprit is the education enigma. The U.S. education system, while generally strong, struggles to keep pace with the tech world's breakneck speed, leaving a skills gap in computer science education. 

Furthermore, the shift to remote work, while presenting new opportunities, has also created an entry-level pipeline disruption. Internship opportunities, crucial for nurturing young talent, have dwindled in some cases, impacting the flow of fresh minds into the workforce. 

Finally, let's not forget the job appeal blues: the competitive nature and demanding workload of software development can deter potential candidates, leading to a perception of the industry as unwelcoming or unsustainable and sometimes crippling burnout for unhappy engineers.

Along with the myriad of challenges, growth in software remains unabated. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs) and Generative AI, companies of all sizes are realizing the potential disruptive force posed by new technology breakthroughs. This has served to increase demand for software engineering talent, particularly those with experience in backend technologies, data engineering, and AI.

Breaking the Code: Remote Hiring to the Rescue!

Companies are increasingly turning to remote hiring to gain access to a wider talent pool. With the proliferation of communication and collaboration tools, we no longer need to Imagine a world where you're not limited by geographical boundaries.  Today businesses can tap into a vast network of skilled software developers worldwide. Remote hiring exponentially expands your candidate pool and offers a plethora of benefits:

  • Reduced competition: Forget bidding wars for top talent within your local market. With a global pool, you have more options and potentially better chances of finding a great fit.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Development costs can vary significantly depending on location. Remote hiring allows you to access talent in regions with lower living costs. Savvy companies can optimize their budgets without compromising quality.
  • Increased productivity: Remote teams often report higher productivity and satisfaction due to flexible work arrangements. A happy and productive team is a recipe for success. For instance, a work-from-home developer regains about one-to-hours of commute time each day, leaving more time to solve problems.

Why Latin America is Your Remote Hiring Oasis

While cost-effectiveness is certainly a major advantage of remote hiring in Latin America, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Here are several other reasons why this region should be seriously considered:

  1. Strong Technical Talent Pool: Latin America boasts a rich tradition of technical education, producing a steady stream of qualified developers. Many universities offer rigorous computer science programs, and coding bootcamps are gaining popularity, ensuring a continuous pipeline of tech talent.
  2. Time Zone Overlap: Unlike regions with significant time zone differences, Latin America generally enjoys close time zone proximity to the U.S., between +1 and +4 hour time difference through most of the year. This facilitates seamless collaboration, allowing for efficient communication, real-time project management, and virtual meetings without scheduling headaches, unlike the full-day difference in India and Eastern Europe.
  3. Cultural Fit and Adaptability: Latin American cultures often share similar values and work ethics to the U.S., making cultural integration smoother. Additionally, many developers in the region are proficient in English, further enhancing communication and collaboration.
  4. Growing Tech Ecosystem: The tech industry in Latin America is booming, with numerous startups, established companies, and a supportive infrastructure. This vibrant ecosystem fosters innovation, attracts bright minds, and provides developers with valuable experience.
  5. Government Support: Many Latin American governments are actively investing in technology and fostering the tech industry. This translates to favorable policies, tax breaks, and initiatives that incentivize companies to hire local talent.
  6. Diverse Skillsets: While Latin America excels in core development skills, the region also offers a broader range of expertise. From mobile app development to AI and machine learning, you can find developers with specialized skills to complement your team's needs.
  7. Strong Work Ethic and Dedication: Many developers in Latin America are known for their strong work ethic, dedication, and eagerness to learn. They are often willing to go the extra mile, making them valuable assets to any team.
  8. Language Skills: Beyond English proficiency, developers in Latin America often have additional language skills, such as Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. This can be valuable for companies looking to expand into new markets or cater to multilingual audiences.
  9. Improved Infrastructure: Access to high-speed internet and reliable technology infrastructure has significantly improved, making remote collaboration more feasible than ever before.
  10. Cultural Exchange and Innovation: Hiring from Latin America can bring fresh perspectives, diverse experiences, and unique problem-solving approaches to your team. This cultural exchange can foster innovation and drive creativity, ultimately leading to better products and services.

Remember: While Latin America offers a wealth of talent, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, understand cultural nuances, and partner with reliable resources to ensure a successful remote hiring experience.

By embracing the potential of Latin America, you can unlock a wealth of talent, cultivate a more diverse and inclusive team, and ultimately bridge the critical developer gap in your organization.

Beyond Borders, Beyond Limits: The Journey to a Globalized Team

The benefits of remote hiring are compelling, but building a successful global team requires careful planning and execution. Here's your roadmap to navigating this journey:

  • Define your needs: Clearly outline the specific skills, experience, and cultural fit you require for the role. Don't just cast a wide net; target your search based on your project and team dynamics.
  • Embrace technology: Leverage collaboration tools and platforms like project management software, communication apps, and virtual meeting spaces to build a strong team culture despite physical distance.
  • Invest in onboarding: Ensure a smooth transition for remote hires with comprehensive onboarding programs that introduce them to your company culture, processes, and team members.
  • Prioritize Communication: Foster open communication and regular check-ins to maintain team cohesion, address concerns, and celebrate successes. Remember, building trust and rapport transcends physical proximity.
  • Embrace Cultural Sensitivity: Building a successful remote team that transcends borders requires more than just finding talented developers; it demands cultivating a culture of respect, understanding, and sensitivity.


Since the 2022 article, the landscape of the developer shortage has evolved with an alarming acceleration. The projected gap has nearly doubled. This rapid escalation signifies the urgent need for innovative solutions, pushing remote hiring to the forefront of the conversation. While the potential of a global talent pool was recognized in 2022, the 2024 data amplifies its importance. Latin America, with its strong technical education, cultural affinity, and lower living costs, emerges as a compelling option for companies seeking to bridge the gap. 

The code red is flashing brighter than ever, but by embracing remote hiring, fostering cultural understanding, and building diverse teams, we can rewrite the code and unlock the potential of a brighter future for the tech industry.

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We understand the struggle of finding the right software development team to build your service or solution.

Since our founding in 2016 we have heard countless horror stories of the vanishing developer, the never-ending late night conference calls with the offshore dev team, and the mounting frustration of dealing with buggy code, missed deadlines and poor communication. We built Azumo to solve those problems and offer you more. We deliver well trained, senior developers, excited to work, communicate and build software together that will advance your business.

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Businesses across industries trust Azumo. Our expertise spans industries from healthcare, finance, retail, e-commerce, media, education, manufacturing and more.

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Real-Time Collaboration

Enjoy seamless collaboration with our time zone-aligned developers. Collaborate, brainstorm, and share feedback easily during your working hours.

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Boost Velocity

Increase your development speed. Scale your team up or down as you need with confidence, so you can meet deadlines and market demand without compromise.

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Agile Approach

We adhere to strict project management principles that guarantee outstanding software development results.

Quality Code

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Flexible Models

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Client Testimonials


Azumo has been great to work with. Their team has impressed us with their professionalism and capacity. We have a mature and sophisticated tech stack, and they were able to jump in and rapidly make valuable contributions.

Drew Heidgerken
Director of Engineering

We worked with Azumo to help us staff up our custom software platform redevelopment efforts and they delivered everything we needed.

James Wilson
Discovery Channel

The work was highly complicated and required a lot of planning, engineering, and customization. Their development knowledge is impressive.

Discovery Channel
Costa Constantinou
Senior Product Manager

Azumo helped my team with the rapid development of a standalone app at Twitter and were incredibly thorough and detail oriented, resulting in a very solid product.

Seth Harris
Senior Program Manager

So much of a successful Cloud development project is the listening. The Azumo team listens. They clearly understood the request and quickly provided solid answers.

Matt Sutton
Head of Product
Bento for Business

Azumo came in with a dedicated team that quickly grasped our problem and designed and built our data integration solution. They delivered a clearer picture for our business in a timeframe I didn’t think was possible.

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Sean Anderson
Chief Operating Officer

How it Works

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Step 1: Schedule your call

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Step 2: We review the details

We estimate the effort, design the team, and propose a solution for you to collaborate.

Step 3: Design, Build, Launch, Maintain

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We Deliver Every Sprint

Icon illustrating the advantage of time zone-aligned software developers from Azumo, ensuring work hours synchronized with client schedules.

Time Zone Aligned

Our nearshore developers collaborate with you throughout your working day.

Icon showcasing the advantage of hiring expert engineers from Azumo for software development services.

Experienced Engineers

We hire mid-career software development professionals and invest in them.

Icon symbolizing how Azumo's software developers prioritize honest, English-always communication for building quality software.

Transparent Communication

Good software is built on top of honest, english-always communication.

Icon representing how Azumo's developers enhance velocity by approaching software development with a problem solver's mindset.

Build Like Owners

We boost velocity by taking a problem solvers approach to software development.

Icon illustrating how Azumo's quality assurance process ensures the delivery of reliable, working code for every project.

Expect Consistent Results

Our internal quality assurance process ensures we push good working code.

Icon depicting how Azumo follows strict project management principles to stay aligned with your goals throughout the development process.

Agile Project Management

We follow strict project management principles so we remain aligned to your goals