Software Development

Why Should I Hire a Node Developer to build my Web App?

Are you looking to hire a node developer? In this blog post, we discuss what node.js is, why you should build your web application with node and what makes for a good node developer. Read on to learn more!

Azumo Research
May 8, 2022

Node.js is a powerful platform for building web applications. It's fast, efficient, and scalable. You can likely tell right away that we enjoy building applications using Node. So what makes Node.js so powerful for building web applications.

Node.js is a javascript runtime built on Chrome's V-engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

Chrome's V-engine is a Node.js application development platform that enables developers to create scalable node applications. The V in V-engine stands for vRoom, which refers to the fact that the platform is designed to be highly scalable.

Node js developers can use the V-engine to build fast, lightweight applications that can handle a large number of concurrent users. Said differently is that Node uses the same JavaScript interpreter/run-time compiler as Google Chrome. But that is it. Because essentially Node has no rendering engine of its own, or ability to parse CSS.

Node.js is fast.

This is due in large part to the fact that Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This means that Node can handle a lot of concurrent connections with very little overhead. node is also efficient because it uses a small number of threads to handle all those concurrent connections.

Concurrent connections are Node applications that can run at the same time. Node developers use this to their advantage by building backend systems that can handle a large number of requests with ease. Thanks to Node's efficient design, your web app will be able to scale as needed, without running into performance issues.

Some examples of applications that would benefit from using Node.js are:

  • A social media platform that needs to handle a large number of concurrent users
  • An e-commerce site with a real-time chat system
  • A live video streaming service
  • Just about any web or mobile application that requires communication between front and backend

Node.js is scalable.

Node.js was designed with scalability in mind. It's easy to add more nodes to a node application as your user base grows. And, node applications can be distributed across multiple servers, so if one server goes down, the others can pick up the slack.

Node is for the Backend

In a web application, the server is responsible for handling requests from the client (usually a web browser) and returning data. Server-side logic is the code that runs on the server as opposed to the client. The server-side code will typically be written in a language like PHP, Ruby, Python, or Java.

Node.js is a popular choice for backend development because it is designed to handle asynchronous requests. This means that node developers can write javascript code that can handle multiple requests at the same time without causing the server to slow down.

In addition, node developers can take advantage of the many libraries and frameworks available for node.

Effectively developers can use Node.js as a replacement for Python, Ruby, Java and C# (and even PHP). The platform is also popular because it runs on multiple platforms including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Node.js vs Python

The answer to this question is it depends on your use case. We love Python, especially for data centric solutions and machine learning applications. If you need to build a fast, lightweight application that can handle a large number of concurrent users, then you should node.js.

Node.js vs Ruby

As both a Node.js developer and Ruby developer, we are often asked why Ruby is a better choice for web development than Node.js. There are several key reasons why we believe Ruby could be considered a superior platform. First, back in the day, Ruby was more versatile than Javascript (and Node.js). It was used for a wider range of applications, including web development, mobile development, and even game development. Second, Ruby is more user-friendly than Node.js. It has a cleaner syntax and is easier to read and write. Third, Ruby was arguably faster than Node.js. It could handle more requests per second. Finally, Ruby is more reliable than Node.js. It is less likely to crash or experience errors, making it a more stable platform for web development.

The catch we see with Ruby is the availability of developers. Ruby has seen it day in the sun and it arguably aging out of popularity. This means today you can build a phenomenal Ruby app the challenge though will be finding someone capable of maintaining it over the long run. This happens to popular languages -- think COBOL or Visual Basic or Fox Pro. Yes they all were the "it thing" once but not anymore.

Node.js vs OOP Languages

Both C++ and Java are object oriented languages, but there are some key differences that set them apart. C++ was designed to be an extension of the programming language C, while Java was designed to be a platform-independent programming language. C++ is a compiled language, while Java is an interpreted language. This means that C++ programs are converted directly into machine code, which can be run on any type of computer, while Java programs are converted into bytecode, which can be run on any computer that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

C++ is a lower-level language than Java, which means it is closer to the hardware and more difficult to learn. However, C++ programs tend to be faster and more efficient than Java programs.

C# (pronounced see sharp) is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation. It was designed to provide a Java-like experience for developers using Microsoft's .NET platform.

However, C# is not just a Java clone - it contains several features that make it unique from other languages. For example, C# supports type safety, garbage collection, and exception handling - features that are not present in C++.

In addition, C# is more closely integrated with the .NET Framework than any other language, making it an ideal choice for developing applications on the platform. While C# may not be as widely used as C++, it is a powerful and versatile language that is well worth learning.

Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications. One of the major advantages of Java is that it is platform-independent, meaning that code written in Java can be run on any type of system. This makes Java ideal for developing cross-platform applications.

Java has a large and well-established ecosystem, with a wealth of libraries and frameworks available for the software engineer. This makes it easy to find support and resources when needed. Plus it is used widely by many large companies, which means that there are plenty of job opportunities available for Java developers so young developers are still training in Java (unlike Ruby).

In general, node developers are backend developers. As backend developers, they are responsible for the server-side of web applications. They work with the front-end developers to ensure that the data being passed back and forth between the server and the client is efficient and secure.

Node.js is a popular platform for backend development, as it is lightweight and easy to use. In addition, node developers can take advantage of the many available node modules, which provide a wide range of functionality. For companies looking for a stable and well-supported platform for backend development, Node.js is a great choice.

But Node.js is just Javascript Right?

Today, JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages and is used by developers all over the world. While it was originally designed for use in web browsers, JavaScript has increasingly been used to build web applications.

Its popularity is due to its flexibility and ease of use - JavaScript can be used for everything from front-end development to back-end processing. In addition, JavaScript libraries and frameworks make it possible to create complex applications with a minimum of code. As a result, there is no doubt that JavaScript is a versatile and powerful language that is here to stay.

As you may know, Javascript is a high-level interpreted programming language. It is a language that is characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Node applications are written in javascript and can be run on the server side.

Front End Developers Frameworks

Node developers often use javascript for back end development because node applications are scalable. It has a module system that allows a web developer to reuse code. node applications are event-driven and can handle a large number of concurrent connections. node is suitable for real-time applications such as chatbots and games. node is also used for developing web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications, and IoT devices.

For front end developers there are many popular JavaScript frameworks to choose from including

And while Each of these frameworks has its own pros and cons, so it is important to choose the right one for your project. For brevity, we will cover React and Angular while commenting that the other frameworks are quite good too. As they both are popular frameworks used in full stack development

Why is Node.js used in the MEAN Stack?

The MEAN stack is a javascript-based web development stack that includes MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js frameworks.

  • MongoDB is a powerful document-oriented database system that is well suited for node applications.
  • Express.js is a node framework that provides a robust set of features for web applications such as routing, sessions, and authentication.
  • AngularJS is a node framework that lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application.
  • Node.js is the javascript runtime environment that runs your code.

A Note: While the MEAN stack traditionally uses Angular for the front-end JavaScript framework, there is no reason why you couldn't use React instead. React is a popular alternative to Angular that offers many of the same benefits, including a desktop and mobile-friendly user interface, easy component reuse, and strong support from the community. In addition, React is particularly well suited for working with large data sets, making it a good choice for MEAN stack applications that need to display a lot of information. So if you're looking to switch things up and use React instead of Angular in your next MEAN stack project, there's no reason why you can't.

Node.js is used in the MEAN stack because it provides an easy way to build scalable network applications. Network applications are those that require a lot of communication between the client and the server, such as chat applications and real-time data apps.

Node.js is also used in the MEAN stack because of its event-driven programming model. This type of programming is well suited for building real-time applications, such as those that need to update a database in real-time or push new data to connected clients.

In short, Node.js is used in the MEAN stack because it is a fast and scalable platform for building network applications. It is also well suited for real-time applications that require event-driven programming.

Can you build an API in node.js?

Web services allow web-based applications to communicate with each other. By using web services, two or more applications can share data and resources, making it possible to create a wide range of new, innovative applications.

For example, a weather forecast application could use web service API to access data from a weather station, or a shopping website could use an API to connect to a payment processing system. Web services are based on standard protocols such as HTTP and XML, making them easy to use and accessible by a wide range of devices.

APIs are usually self-contained and self-describing, making them easy to develop and deploy. As a result, they have become an essential part of the modern internet landscape. So to answer the question:  Yes, Node.js can be used to build API's.

In fact, node is often used for building API's because of its asynchronous nature and ability to handle large amounts of data. Additionally, node provides a number of modules and libraries that can be used to build API's. There are many node modules available on npm that can be used to build node applications. Some popular node modules include:

  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Body-Parser
  • async
  • request

These are just a few of the many node modules available. By using node modules, node developers can easily add functionality to their applications.

Is it safe to use Node.js in commercial applications?

Yes, Node.js is secure for enterprise applications. The node community has a strong focus on security and there are many resources available to help node developers secure their applications. Additionally, the Node.js Security Project provides a list of resources that node developers can use to secure their applications. In fact today countless number of cloud-based web and mobile applications are built with Node.

Node.js Full Stack Developer

React and Angular are two popular JavaScript frameworks used for building user interfaces and web applications. Both React and Angular are open-source, which means they can be used for free by developers. React is a component-based framework, which means it allows developers to create reusable components that can be used in different parts of an application.

Angular is a TypeScript-based framework that uses concepts such as modules, components, and services to build web applications. While both React and Angular can be used to build similar types of applications, there are some important differences between them. React is more flexible than Angular, meaning it can be used for a wider range of projects.

However, this also means that React requires more development time than Angular. Additionally, Angular is better suited for large projects with complex user interfaces, while React is more suited for smaller projects with simpler user interfaces. As a result, the decision of which framework to use should be based on the specific needs of the project.

Our experience hiring node developers informs us that you can find good full stack developer with strong client side javascript skills. A good software engineer trained on Java or C++/C# will easily convert to Node.js developer and if willing into a senior full stack developer with good understanding of front end technologies like Vue or React.

The Ideal Node Developer Job Description Template

We have hired many node developers and we have drawn some very straight forward conclusions on what a great Node Developer looks like in terms of background. In short, experience in years does not matter. Any job post that says the person needs to have 3-5 years working in Node is wrong. Honestly, we think year benchmarks when it comes to hiring for computer science roles is useless and demonstrates that the recruiter has little knowledge on what makes for a good software developer or web developer. We have hired many a web developer (who have not finished their bachelor's degree) who have run circles around senior full stack developers. Frankly, there is no ideal node developer job description template -- even ours.

Essential skills for a node developer

Some essential skills that a node developer should have are:

  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript
  • Experience with Node.js and its frameworks
  • Ability to build scalable network applications
  • Possess good event-driven programming skills
  • Understand front-end technologies (such as React or Angular)
  • Experience with databases (such as MongoDB)
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work in a team environment

When looking for a node developer, it is important to find someone with strong JavaScript skills and experience with Node.js and its frameworks. The ability to build scalable network applications and event-driven programming skills are also essential. Additionally, node developers should have a good understanding of front-end technologies and databases. Finally, node developers should be good problem-solvers who are able to work in a team environment.

How do engineers become good node developers?

Well first off the Node community is very welcoming and there are many resources available to help engineers at any stage in their careers get started with node. is a great place to start, as it provides resources for both beginners and experienced node developers. Additionally, there are many node modules and libraries available on npm that can be used to build node applications.

There are also many online tutorials and articles that can be used to learn about node development. In addition, attending node conferences and meetups is a great way to meet other node developers and learn about the latest node trends. Node is a rich ecosystem that allows anyone the chance to improve their skill set and develop web based applications using node.

Before starting in Node what should a node developer understand?

The node community has a set of guidelines known as the Node.js Style Guide. This guide provides recommendations on how to structure node code and how to name node variables, functions, and files. Additionally, the Node.js Security Project provides a list of security resources that node developers can use to secure their applications.

Node developers should also be familiar with the Express web application framework, as it is the most popular node framework and is used in a majority of node applications.

In order to become a great node developer, it is important to have a strong understanding of both node and javascript. Additionally, being familiar with other web development tools and frameworks will also be beneficial. By following these guidelines, node developers can set themselves up for success and build web applications using node.js.

How can you hire a node.js developer for your web application project?

Node developers are in high demand and as a result, they can be difficult to find. The best way to find node developers is through online job boards or by attending node conferences and meetups. Additionally, node developers can also be found through referrals from other node developers.

As you can imagine there are an abundance of node js developer jobs waiting to be filled. And many recruiters are in search of node.js developers with hands-on-experience solving complex problems.

If you are looking to hire a team of node developers, you may want to consider one of the services. They break of course between the marketplaces, the staff augmentation providers, and the project-based developers.

At Azumo, we have a strong preference for project-based developers as they tend to view the work as a partnership and see your success as their success. We believe in the model so completely that we started Azumo, a nearshore software development company, based in San Francisco with a deep history of building Node.js applications and having engineers who can develop back end components in node and more.

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