Software Development

Top 10 reasons to migrate from .NET Framework to .NET Core

Today, the .NET Framework is a legacy technology, and moving to .NET Core seems like the best option.

Azumo Research
December 17, 2021

As defined by Gartner, a legacy system is “an information system that may be based on outdated technologies, but is critical to day-to-day operations.”

Most companies choose to keep legacy systems because they contain historical information stored on them and the very idea of ​​updating them is perceived as an unnecessary investment of time and money. Yes, some systems are difficult to replace, especially those that handle vital business processes, but the truth is that legacy technology can have a damaging impact. That impact can range from customer perception to actual security threat to your organization. Today,  the .NET Framework, unfortunately, is now one of those legacy technologies.

But what does it mean for your business? How does it impact your daily operations?

Higher Costs:

Starting in November 2021, major Microsoft provided components used in web applications, such as ASP.NET MVC or Web API, will be retired. No bug fixing will be made available and effort towards security patches will start to phase out. For third-party components, the cliff may be even more pronounced.

For instance, DevExpress ASP.NET controls has already started to phase out support for .NET Framework versions below 4.5.2 as of March, 2021.

You will likely face higher support costs from outdated platforms, especially if you use third-party components that could remove support even sooner.

Also, lack of innovation can affect your budget too, for example: .NET Core is cross-platform, so it is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. In those cases where you need to run legacy ASP.NET web applications, you will have the flexibility to choose a Linux server over a higher priced server like Windows.

Reduced Talent pool:

Today the talent pool for .NET Framework is bigger compared to the .NET Core’s, but that will change rapidly as most developers are more interested in working with new technologies than anything  scheduled for sunset.

In fact, most of the content posted on blogs and youtube channels is focused on .NET Core, making it the framework of choice for new development.

Limited innovation:

In April 2019, Microsoft released the latest version of the .NET Framework and announced that there will be no new updates to its features. While they offered to continue to support, this only means that bug fixes and security patches will be provided, but there will be no product innovation and no further efforts to make it compatible with new and emerging technologies.

Money, talent, and obsolescence are big concerns for companies today, and they can be made worse if the migration process from a legacy technology to a new one is delayed. Waiting too long will make the leap too big and will likely cause instability issues, which are only addressed in a timely manner when migrating between consecutive releases, as all attention is focused on it and results in relevant updates and fixes.

In addition, .NET Core contains tons of improvements in terms of performance, scalability, flexibility, security, and compatibility over the .NET Framework, but no pressure!

  • .NET Core is cross-platform
  • .NET Core is open source
  • .NET Core supports a wide range of application types
  • .NET Core enables maximum application performance
  • .NET Core was built with the cloud in mind.

Good news is that we have done this migration before and while there is no magic and some rewrites & reworks are needed based on the complexity of each business; it is doable and less difficult than it sounds. Well, at Azumo we make it that way.

Plus, the benefits are tremendous for your business! Isn't that what we all need to get these days?

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Migrating to .Net Core

There are several things to consider when making the decision to migrate an application from the .NET Framework to .NET Core.

Just to note, some of these issues include:

  • Library compatibility: Some libraries used in the original app may not be available in .NET Core, which means they will need to be replaced or implemented differently.
  • API Changes: .NET Core has a number of API changes compared to the .NET Framework, so some parts of the original app may need to be modified to work correctly on .NET Core.
  • Configuration and deployment: Application configuration and deployment may need to be modified to work in .NET Core environments.
  • Cost of migration: Migrating an application from the .NET Framework to .NET Core can be expensive in terms of time and resources.

However, there are many advantages to migrating to .NET Core such as being an open source platform, being cross-platform, having improved performance, and greater scalability. Let's discuss them in more detail below:

1. Lower costs due to the retirement of major Microsoft provided .NET Framework components as of November 2021 and third-party components phasing out support for earlier versions.

As of November 2021, Microsoft has announced that they will be phasing out support for certain components of the .NET Framework. This includes major Microsoft provided components as well as third-party components. The move is intended to reduce costs and simplify the development process.

The main reason behind this decision is that these older components have been deemed obsolete and are no longer necessary for modern software development. By phasing out support for these components, developers can focus on more up-to-date technology without having to worry about compatibility issues. This should reduce the complexity of the development process and allow developers to create better applications in a shorter timeframe.

Companies no longer need to support and maintain older components which can be expensive and time consuming. In addition, they can now use more modern tools and technologies that are better suited for the current market.

The retirement of these components also has implications for software developers who are still using them in their applications. These developers will need to update their applications in order to be compatible with the new Framework components. This could involve retraining and re-tooling existing applications which can be a costly process.

2. Improved access to talent because more developers are now interested in working with .NET Core compared to .NET Framework.

The introduction of .NET Core has led to an increase in the number of developers interested in working with it compared to .NET Framework. This is because .NET Core provides a range of advantages that make development easier and more efficient, such as being open-source, cross-platform, modularized, and high-performance.

For starters, .NET Core is open-source allowing developers to contribute to its development by submitting bug fixes and new features. This has increased the number of contributors due to the fact that anyone can start contributing without needing permission from Microsoft. Having a larger pool of contributors allows for rapid innovation and feature updates.

Another benefit of .NET Core is that it’s cross-platform, meaning developers can use the same codebase to develop applications for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This increases development speed as the same set of tools can be used to create applications for different operating systems.

Moreover, .NET Core is modularized which makes it easy to select the components that are needed for development. Developers can pick and choose the packages they require without having to install all of them, allowing for more efficient use of resources.

.NET Core is high-performance which makes it suitable for developing applications that need maximum speed and performance such as web applications or machine learning models. This has attracted more developers to use it as they know their applications will run faster and with fewer performance issues.

3. Enhanced product innovation, as .NET Core is constantly being updated with new features and capabilities.

NET Core is the latest version of Microsoft's .NET platform, and it provides a wealth of advantages for product innovation. As an open-source framework, .NET Core is constantly being improved with new features that can help drive product development in more effective and efficient ways.

It has a smaller footprint than its predecessor, the .NET Framework. This means that applications developed on .NET Core can better leverage existing hardware and software resources, allowing developers to create more complex and ambitious products with fewer technical limitations. And, since it runs cross-platform, both Windows and Linux can use the same code base for product development, resulting in lower cost of development.

Another advantage of .NET Core is its modular architecture. This allows developers to access the latest features and capabilities while avoiding the need to overhaul an entire application with each new release. Instead, they can use plug-ins or packages that upgrade individual components, resulting in more cost-effective and efficient product innovation.

.NET Core provides a number of tools and libraries that make development easier. This includes the .NET Core CLI, which allows developers to quickly create and run applications without having to write long lines of code. The NuGet package manager also makes it easy to find and install third-party packages, meaning that developers can add additional features or capabilities with just a few clicks.

4. Cross-platform compatibility, as .NET Core can be used on Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.

Cross-platform compatibility is one of the key advantages of .NET Core. With .NET Core, developers are able to leverage their existing skill set and code base to easily create applications that run on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. This allows them to develop once and deploy everywhere in a cost-effective manner.

Thus, .NET Core allows developers to deploy applications on an array of devices including mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This can be incredibly beneficial for businesses as they no longer have to maintain multiple codebases or tailor their applications for different operating systems.

.NET Core provides excellent interoperability with other platforms such as Java and NodeJS. This affords developers the flexibility to incorporate code written in other languages into their existing applications. This can be incredibly helpful for situations where specific functionality is needed from another language or platform.

.NET Core offers a number of powerful tools and libraries that allow developers to easily create high-performance, secure applications. The open source nature of .NET Core also means that developers can customize and extend their applications in any way they wish. This allows them to create precisely the application they desire with minimal overhead or cost.

All of these advantages make .NET Core an ideal platform for developing modern web, mobile, desktop, and IoT applications. With its cross-platform compatibility, interoperability, and powerful tools, .NET Core can provide developers with the resources they need to create applications that work flawlessly on any device. Businesses benefit from this as well by being able to deploy applications using a single codebase, saving time and money in the process.

5. Improved scalability due to a lighter runtime environment, enabling applications to scale better in cloud environments.

Scalability is an important factor to consider when developing applications for the cloud. A lighter runtime environment can significantly improve scalability of an application, allowing it to scale better in cloud environments. This is due to the fact that a lighter runtime environment reduces strain on server resources and makes it easier for applications to process requests quickly and efficiently.

By reducing the amount of resources needed for an application to run, a lighter runtime environment can increase scalability significantly. This is because there will be more resources available for the application to use when processing requests and tasks. Additionally, a lighter runtime environment makes it easier for applications to scale with increased demand or usage, as fewer resources are required to run the application.

A lighter runtime environment also reduces latency, which is an important factor in providing a good user experience with cloud applications. Latency refers to the time it takes for the application to process requests from users and respond with results. By reducing the amount of resources needed for an application to run, latency can be reduced significantly, resulting in a better user experience.

The lighter runtime environment can also enable applications to scale more quickly and easily across multiple servers or cloud environments. This is because the application does not need to be re-deployed for each environment, which drastically reduces setup time and cost of scaling an application. It also makes it easier for developers to maintain the application across different environments, as only a single version of the code needs to be maintained.

6. Greater flexibility with the ability to use modern architectures and frameworks.

The use of modern architectures and frameworks allows for greater flexibility in developing applications. This increased flexibility has several distinct advantages over traditional development. For example, these new architectures are often more modular and extensible, allowing developers to quickly iterate on existing code bases as new technologies emerge. Additionally, they provide an easily understood structure that simplifies the entire development process.

By adopting modern architectures and frameworks, developers are able to create applications that can easily be adapted to changing conditions, such as user preferences or the introduction of new technologies. This scalability allows for greater efficiency in development, reducing total development time and costs associated with maintaining multiple versions of an application over time. Furthermore, these new architectures provide a wide range of options for developers, enabling them to transform an application in a way that best suits their individual needs.

Simply, modern architectures and frameworks are increasingly becoming the industry standard for development. This ensures that applications built using these tools will be future-proofed against any changes in technology or user requirements, providing businesses with longer term value for their investment.

7. Increased security with a focus on the latest .NET Core encryption standards.

The use of .NET Core encryption standards ensures that all data transmitted and stored within our systems is kept private and secure. By focusing on the latest .NET Core security protocols, we are able to ensure that all data transferred between our clients and our servers remains encrypted at all times. This process also helps protect against malicious attacks from hackers or other malicious actors by preventing them from accessing any sensitive data.

8. Improved performance to support faster and more efficient applications.

The performance of applications is becoming increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in a digital age. By improving the performance of their applications, businesses can provide faster and more efficient services to customers, allowing them to respond quickly and effectively to customer needs. This improved performance also helps organizations optimize their operations, as well as reduce costs by reducing the time spent on maintenance, upgrades, and troubleshooting.

To improve performance, businesses can look to strategies such as componentization and virtualization of applications and services. Componentization involves breaking down a large system into smaller components that are easier to manage, while virtualization enables the sharing of resources across multiple systems. Additionally, businesses can use technologies such as caching, load balancing, and clustering to optimize the performance of their applications.

Organizations can also look towards optimizing their database structures in order to improve application performance. By improving the efficiency of data storage and retrieval, businesses can ensure that information is always available when needed, thus reducing response time significantly. This can also help reduce costs associated with software maintenance as fewer resources and time is needed to manage the database.

And then a strong focus on testing application performance regularly in order to identify any areas that need improvement. By utilizing automated tools for performance testing, organizations can quickly detect issues before they become too costly or difficult to fix.

9. Built-in cloud features enable deployment in cloud environments such as Azure, AWS, or GCP.

As more businesses move to the cloud, having built-in cloud features that enable deployment in popular environments such as Azure, AWS and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is becoming increasingly important. With .NET Core, you can leverage these cloud capabilities to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility available within the cloud environment. Not only will this help you minimize the cost and complexity associated with hosting, but it also opens up a wealth of enterprise-grade features that can be used to power your applications.

.NET Core's cloud features are designed to enable reliable and secure deployments in the cloud without sacrificing performance or sacrificing data security. This means that you don't need to worry about security vulnerabilities or scalability issues, as .NET Core ensures that your applications are secure and performant. Its cloud-friendly architecture makes it easy to deploy in any cloud environment without having to worry about compatibility issues.

When deploying applications in the cloud with .NET Core, you will have access to a number of advanced cloud-based services, such as automated configuration management, performance tuning and monitoring. This makes it easy to ensure that your application is running the best possible version for your customers.

.NET Core's cloud features make it easy to take advantage of new technologies such as serverless computing and containerization without having to worry about compatibility issues. This makes it easy to quickly move your applications to the cloud, ensuring that you are able to make the most of the cost savings and scalability benefits associated with the cloud. Additionally, .NET Core's features help ensure that your applications remain secure in the cloud by providing built-in authentication, authorization and encryption services.

10. Migration is possible with minimal disruption to operations and a clear roadmap for future development.

Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core is a significant change that can have great benefits for companies in the long run, however there is always apprehension when making such a transition. One of the top reasons to migrate from .NET Framework to .NET Core is the fact that it can be done with minimal disruption to operations and a clear roadmap for future development. This means that organizations can plan their migration process and set clear expectations for the changes that need to be made in order to successfully complete the move.

This type of transition is often simpler than other types of migrations, as the core elements such as language compatibility, framework features, and application architecture are already supported by .NET Core. This means that organizations can quickly move over to .NET Core without having to worry about extensive re-work or costly downtime. Furthermore, the open source nature of .NET Core allows for rapid development and a wide range of potential applications which makes it easier for developers to work with and maintain.

The migration process from .NET Framework to .NET Core is also much simpler than other migration processes due to the fact that many of the same tools can be used. For example, existing Visual Studio projects can easily be ported over and modified with minimal impact on their existing structure. This means that developers are better able to preserve existing work which minimizes disruption and helps ensure a smooth transition.

In addition to the technical benefits of migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core, organizations can also benefit greatly from a clear roadmap for future development. This means that developers have an easier time staying up-to-date with current trends and technologies, and are better able to plan out their long term plans when using .NET Core. This helps ensure that the organization’s technology is always up-to-date and capable of meeting their needs.

Overall, migration from .NET Framework to .NET Core can be a great move for organizations who want to take advantage of its many benefits. With minimal disruption to operations and a clear roadmap for future development, companies can plan their migration process and set clear expectations for the changes that need to be made.

This allows them to quickly move over to .NET Core without having to worry about extensive re-work or costly downtime, as well as benefiting from a wide range of potential applications which makes it easier for developers to work with and maintain. Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core is a significant change but can have great benefits for companies in the long run.

At Azumo we have been building .Net applications developer since our inception as a nearshore software development company. Contact us to chat with an expert on how to move your application into the modern age.

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